Home » PRAY » Prayer is the key

Prayer is the key

May this artwork inspire you to pray for someone, some event, some needy situation going on in the world today.

You can build prayer into your day, whilst you walk the dog, drive into town, jog, garden, etc.

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You may want to start with your family,

your Church,

your local school & community,

your Government & your nation,

the wider world & items on the news,

the needy & those who are sick & unwell.

For inspiration look at the A-Z People of Prayer in the Pray section.screen-shot-2016-09-09-at-12-54-31

We spend time praying for the needs of the poor, the widow, the orphan, those effected by war and terrorism.

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The world needs a continuous tapestry of prayer…

Prayer is the key to seeing the Lord’s work in our lives & our churches yet so often this is the most neglected area. Jesus modelled a consistent prayer life to his disciples by seeking His Father early in the day. He knew it was vital to commune with His Father, spending quality time away from the demands of people & to be on top of each day. What do we learn from the example of Jesus?

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If it was important enough for Jesus then it is important enough for me too!

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The world we live in today is a fast moving, high tech world, very different to the global pace 2000 years ago. We can so easily be caught up in the stresses of each day & the countless demands, emails, calls, visits, meetings, events & so on. The importance of drawing aside with Father is evident, we need to be in regular communication with Him, knowing His peace & assurance, guidance & leading in our lives.

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The fallen world around us will always major on the material. Jesus has come to give us life & life in all of its abundance. He will enrich our lives & journey with us by His Spirit as we include Him in our decisions, relationships, challenges & experiences.  He will renew our strength, fill our fuel tanks, empower & inspire our lives. He said to His disciples one day as they came back excited from their field ministry experiences, ‘rejoice that your names are written in the Book of Life.’  In other words, the most important thing is to know Jesus [John 17:3] & to walk with Him, the Way, the Truth & the Life [John 14:6].


In our busy lives the challenge is to find time to be quiet and pray. Rushing around in the ‘Rat Race’ trying to catch our tail will often prove futile.

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Prayer Tip: To transform your prayer life, practice praying every time you see the ‘P’ parking sign as you drive. After 28 days you will develop a new way of praying whilst driving [with your eyes open of course!] I have been doing this for 10 years now & it has revolutionized my journeys!  

Download Prayer is the key to seeing the Lord’s work in our lives pdf

See also: Reaching out to children & families; Praying for the persecuted Church & Internet Evangelism


